Women of Australia in the 19th century

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Essay Database > History > World History
womens in the 19th century There wase'nt much womens in Australia around the early 19th century. As we know the first people was to come in Australia was Captain Cook and then came the convicts who got sent from all the way from England. Although the ships contained male and feamle number of convicts, the number of feamle was not enough to balance the man and female population. After 1810 more convicts ship came with more …

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…to help them because if they did win the vote later on they might decide to vote against them. But in the the new labour party did decide to help them beacsue they thought that it was the right thing to do. The womens eventully got their rights after all these hard works. In the early 20th century the gorvenment allowed them to vote in the parliment and also female schools and university were opened.