Women in the Workforce and there networks

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Women in the Workforce: There Networks In the past, men were generally meant to be the bread winners in the family while women were suppose to be the caretakers of the children and home. Financial challenges, combined with better and expected educational opportunities, started the mobilization of women into the work force. Many colleges, universities, and Ivey league schools, once closed to women, opened their doors, making coed education dominant over single sex education. This …

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…of Men's and Women's Personal Networks." American Sociological Review 55: 726-735 Roos, P., and B. Reskin. 1984. "Institutional factors contributing to sex segregation in the workplace." Sex segregation in the Workplace: Trends, explanations, remedies. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Szafran, R. 1982. "What kinds of firms hire and promote women and blacks? A review of the literature." Sociological Quarterly 23: 171-190 Tomaskovic-Devey, D. 1993. "Gender and racial inequality at work: The sources and consequences of job segregation." Ithaca, NY: ILR.