Women in the Military

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Military
Women in the Military: Past, Present, and Future Women have played an important role in the Military success of the United States Government for hundreds of years. Starting with the Revolutionary War on a limited basis women disguised themselves in order to serve their country. Documented cases include Deborah Samson who served as Robert Shirtliffe, and then there is Anna Warner, wife of Captain Elijah Bailey. Anna earned the title of "The Heroine of Groton" …

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…three O-8 or Major General, twelve O-7 or Brigadier General, and six hundred and ninety five as O-6 or Colonel. As these numbers are five years old it is safe guess they have only increased. In my opinion women have every right to be in the armed forces, I do not believe they should be in combat situations. I hope women only see advancement and equal opportunity in the military in the days to come.