Women in Combat 3

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Women in Combat Since the birth of our country, when they had basically no rights, women have been fighting for equality. The latest battle that women have engaged in is their right to participate in ground combat in the army and the marines. In recently written articles, Suzanne Fields and Lou Morano say that it is absurd to allow women to fight. They concede that there may be women who are qualified to fight, but …

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…to"(Fields 2). Works Cited Dubik, James. An officer and a Feminist. Reading and Writing Short Arguments. ED. William Vesterman. Toronto: Mayfield Publishing Co, 1997. Fields, Suzanne. Reading and Writing Short Arguments. ED. William Vesterman. Toronto: Mayfield Publishing Co, 1997. Lane, Richard., and Jay Wurts. The Hand that Rocks the Cradle Wields the Sword. In Search of the Woman Warrior. Boston: Element Books, Inc. 1998. 90-99 Morano, Lou. Arms and the Woman. ED. William Vesterman. Toronto: Mayfield Publishing Co, 1997.