Women from cultures other tahn Anglo-Saxon accesing prenatl care in the Australian public health system

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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health Care
INTRODUCTION Australia is a largely multicultural society and our health care system will often not acknowledge the diversity of culture and race that midwives work with. Many issues will hinder a woman from ethnic background to gain the care she deserves and needs. The essay focuses on the cultural issues such as troubles with accessing care; stereotyping by health professionals; communication problems; immigration experiences and spirituality and suggests strategies of the identified issues to provide …

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…Century Britain. Oxford: Clarendon Books. Schott, J., & Henley, A. (1996). Culture, Religion and Childbearing in a Multicultural Society. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann. Small, R., Yelland, J., Lumley, J., & Rice, p. (1997). Mothers in a New Country. Carlton, Victoria: School of Health, La Trobe University. Wickham, S. (2003). Midwifery Best Practice. Books for Midwives. London: Elsevier Science. World Health Organisation. (1986). Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion. WHO and Health Welfare Canada and Canada Public Health Association: Ottawa.