Women and men' preferences in choosing movies

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Genres
When I started my project to build an intelligent agent to help users to choose movie, I spent days and days in the library searching for the articles, essays discussing audience's preferences. Hopelessly I couldn't find one. Too tired of searching, too desperated of finding one, I finally decided to write one myself based on my observations and knowledge in movies. It is of course far from what can be compared to the professional writers. …

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…and composed. Men and women various views toward movies reflect truly the differences between two sexes not only in entertainment, but also in life. One prefers touching love stories, concerns with the feelings and enjoys the sweet lyrics while the other loves discovering new lands, acting heroically, listening to fast-moving music. The diverse preferences make the movies more interesting and appealing as you have chances to taste different things and get different views from others.