Women and Popular Culture of the 1970's

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Essay Database > History > War & Conflicts
If we are to understand the popular culture of women in the 1970's we must first go back and see what caused this time period to be one of civil disobedience, voicing new freedoms and revolutionary ideas and celebrating differences. This society was created by genres of the past. It is important to look at these genres, because the past can be reflected in the future. What caused women to voice new freedoms? Had they …

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…Press, 2003. Inness, Sherrie A, "Strange Feverish Years" the 1970's and Women's Changing Roles, Disco Divas Women and Popular Culture in the 1970s. Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2003. Kutulas, Judy, You Probably Think This Song Is About You , Disco Divas Women and Popular Culture in the 1970s. Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2003. Womack, Whitney Womack, Reevaluating "Jiggle TV" Charlie's Angels at Twenty-Five, Disco Divas Women and Popular Culture in the 1970s. Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2003.