Women and Freedom

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Before the twentieth century, male was the dominant sex in the United States. The male premeditated what roles women should play at home. Women did not have the right to vote and did not receive the same equality like men did. Some women writers wanted to change people's perspectives, especially men, on how women should be viewed and treated. Three famous writers who did a marvelous job in this transformation were Edith Wharton, Charlotte Perkins …

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…start liberating their lives in different ways. Charlotte might be wandering around her neighborhood or finding ways to keep her company and may her self-expression be used. Mrs. Mallard have entered into a peaceful place where she could feel free. As for Mrs. Ansley, she could continue with her lives without worrying any guilt inside because all the truths were revealed. For Mrs. Slade, the consequences that she established will always remained in her mind.