Women and Depression

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
An article in Scientific American called "Why are so many women depressed", by Ellen Liebenluft, focused on the reason why females are more depressed than males. First, Depression comes with a variety of symptoms. For example, a person suffering from depression may experience sleep disturbances, hopelessness, and feeling of worthlessness, difficulty concentrating, experience fatigue and sometime even delusions. Depression is very common among women. If affects nearly 20 percent of women worldwide. Now we have to …

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…Nowadays, Scientists are treating patients with drugs, such as Prozac. Prozac is an antidepressant. The patient responds to the medication or psychotherapy or both. Depression is increasing so much that the cost of treatment throughout the US Economy is $30.4 billion each year. The more depression spreads, the more studies and treatments are to derive, which provides us with more logical reasons for the causes of depression. Bibliography Scientific American, Why are so many women depressed?