Women Warriors: Myth or Reality.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Zoology
Women as Warriors. This is an attempt by the author to answer the question of whether women fought in wars alongside men in the early medieval period. It was writtain from the viewpoint of animal behavior and uses some illustrations from animal behavior to argue points. The author originally wrote the piece as an article for publication in a re-enctment societies in-house journal. Thanks to a recent episode of Time Team on televison, the argument …

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…from the field of combat should a disguised woman have been discovered. Women probably did fight as women, if their homes and families were threatened. They would have fought with no ritual, no remorse, just put the bastard down and then when he's dead, stop the kids crying, drag the body off and bury him, but it is unlikely they fought as part of an organised army without the need to disguise themselves as men.