Women War Correspondents in the Vietnam War

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Essay Database > History
The women correspondents made up a vital part of the media during the Vietnam War. Almost three hundred American women were accredited to cover the war between the years of 1965 and 1975. About seventy-five of those women served as correspondents during the war, covering everything from human interest to combat. These women were strong, gutsy and worked hard. They worked in every journalistic medium - newspapers, magazines, wire services, and radio and television. The women worked …

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…a war correspondent is just as likely to be a woman as a man. Three decades ago in Vietnam the story was a bit different. Women were few and far between and the men got most of the glory after the fact. That is why it is so important to recognize the important role that women played, not just in the war, but in all aspects of life where we normally don't think women belong.