Women In Iran

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Organized and Institutionalized Sexual Exploitation and Violence Policy and Law The "Press Law and Women Bill" was ratified into law on the 13th of August 1998 in Iran; it is the Fifth Amendment of Article 6 of the press law. The bill states that, "commercial use of women's image and texts declaring women's issues, humiliation, insult, propagation of formality, use of ornaments, and defending women's beyond the bounds of legal and religious law is forbidden." Violators of …

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…under Iran's Islamic laws. Prostitution and adultery are illegal and punishable by death. The stoning was carried out by local citizens in public in Khazar Abad, near the Caspian Sea. A 20-year-old Iranian woman was stoned for adultery in Bukan, in Western Iran. Stoning is a death sentence, but she was mistaken for dead and later revived in the morgue. A court official said that an appeal for amnesty has been submitted to the court.