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Essay Database > Literature > English
I sure appreciate everyone's thoughts.
I met my husband when he was playing in a band at a local music festival (out in a pasture...you know (remember??) one of
those "Peace. Love. Rock and ROLL!" kind of deals back in the 70's...hehehe)- so our kids have always had a positive male
role model as far as music goes. I don't think Tommy thinks of piano as a "girl thing".
I guess I'm
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much and gave up so many things in the now to make the FUTURE!!! it is just to hard for me to now do three things that two shared so equally together. i hope i haven't offended anyone with this but if any of you have any input please let me know here. i didn,t give my email because of how this might be received by all or part of you. THANKS for lisening
much and gave up so many things in the now to make the FUTURE!!! it is just to hard for me to now do three things that two shared so equally together. i hope i haven't offended anyone with this but if any of you have any input please let me know here. i didn,t give my email because of how this might be received by all or part of you. THANKS for lisening