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Essay Database > History
Beginning the Move Towards Woman's Suffrage The very first woman's rights convention was held at Seneca Falls, New York in 1848. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucy Stone, Lucretia Mott, and Susan B. Anthony were among the women who has organized it. They were all experienced women in abolition, temperance, and property law reform movements. "Their initial meeting produced a Declaration of Sentiments which outlined the major issues and initiatives that would occupy activist women into the next …

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…In January 1918, the House of Representatives passed a woman suffrage amendment and was approved by the senate in June 1919. The amendment required 36 states to ratifiy it. In August 1920, Tennesse became the 36th state to approve the amendment and it then became law, as American women won the long, often bitter fight for the vote, for the promise of freedom that is at the heart of the American dream. The 19th amendment was named the (Franck 14)