Womans Rights with comparison to The Roller Birds of Rampur
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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
"Woman's rights" means equal rights for women and men, but it goes beyond equality-it means first recognizing the particular problems and difficulties confronting women, and then finding ways to overcome these barriers. Women's rights include the right to vote, run for election, to be treated equally and fairly, to speak freely and to use the law to support one's rights. It also includes the right to food, and shelter, to family life, to a decent
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of Rampur, when Sheila talks to Laxmi, she said that her husband abused her physically and left her alone with her children. After doing this report, I now have an understanding of what Laxmi should have done to her husband when she was abused physically. These rights were not in effect at the time of the incident, but if they were, then Laxmi would have been in a better situation than she is in now.
of Rampur, when Sheila talks to Laxmi, she said that her husband abused her physically and left her alone with her children. After doing this report, I now have an understanding of what Laxmi should have done to her husband when she was abused physically. These rights were not in effect at the time of the incident, but if they were, then Laxmi would have been in a better situation than she is in now.