Woman in distressed

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Essay #3 : "I, Being Born a Women and Distressed" By Edna St. Vincent Millay The poem "I, Being Born a Woman and Distressed" by Edna St. Vincent exudes many different tones through out the poem. The poem dips into the psyche of a woman who is broken hearted over a fleeting lover. The tone of this poem can be broken up into two parts. The first part relays the poet's confusion for the way society forces …

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…rhyme schemes separate is Millay clever way of showing change in tone. The poem "I, Being Born a Women and Distressed" begins with a women who is truly in distress. She is worrying about what society will say when she is alone, and why she needs a companion. At the end she realizes that the guy she was with was not worth ducking societies woes and accepts that she is her own woman. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**