Woman Warrior by Maxine Hongs Kingston.

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The Woman Warrior is a story about Maxine Hong Kingston's memoir, who is trying to blend and develop two different cultures into one. The story explains how immigrants have hard times and difficulties when they move to a new country. The setting of Women Warrior tells a life of Maxine Hong Kingston as a second-generation Chinese- American girl. She realizes that she must combine Chinese langue, culture, and family tradition with American standards. Kingston has …

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…Chinese heritage. She proves that the blending of two cultures is a possible and happening event. In conclusion, Maxine Hong Kingston spent her life fighting the control her family tries to put on her. In her life, she reached a point that she was being "watched", just like a white ghost lost in the dark night. In her book, Maxine Hong Kingston displayed the darkness of adultery and the light of being a woman warrior.