Woman Warrior

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
Maxine Hong Kingston, the "woman warrior" and the author of "The Woman Warrior" have gone through hardships growing up in a Chinese immigrant family, torn between both Chinese and American traditions and ultimately learned to embrace both as she became an adult. She uses her power of words to descript the American experiences of several females in the novel "The Woman Warrior"; Moon Orchid, Brave Orchid, Maxine herself, and the Girl Who Wouldn't Talk. They …

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…why she used her power of words and papers and wrote this memoir. Ironically, she made the readers see her life through the experiences of others. The four American experiences are in a way symbols representing many versions of Chinese-Americans and immigrants because they are very similar to these four characters. And through their story, Maxine hopes to catch her readers and make them understand the adventure her people endure during their times in America.