Wole Solinka's Death and the King's Horseman: The Ways We See Death

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Wole Solinka's Death and the King's Horseman shows but one small example of how European and American people disrupt and disrespect other cultures. As said by Olunde, "I discovered that you have no respect for what you do not understand." Those who are from the European tradition, including Americans, have no understanding, and no respect, of how other cultures view death. <Tab/>Here we fear it. It is something to be …

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…thing he could have done for his people. But instead, his living beyond that was his downfall. In our culture, it is the majority opinion that we value life over honor. Why else do we have prisons? In African cultures, are there equivalents of prisons? Perhaps their prison, like Elesin's, are not walls and bars, but really the fact that they are living with the shame that they have not died in the proper time.