W&R Across Curriculum Discussions.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
CN 2: Sexton's "Cinderella" "Cinderella" by Anne Sexton is a different variation of the classic tale. Sexton alters the "Recurring, happily ever after" in every tale, to a more modernize version. Four anecdotes sharing how others can go from poor to riches or abrasive existence to fantasy. Sexton changes the expected happy ending by satirizing the message this story gives. The poem with little anecdotes of unexpected reality, Sexton's sarcastic tone foreshadows the outcome. She implies …

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…It's all on the surface. Society believes only in physical beauty and appearance. One might say that there is not enough time in the hustle and bustle of everyday life to take the time to explore a person and find true beauty, regardless of what they seem on the outside. But, it has always been this way, even in times when life was slower and more relaxed; it was what's on the surface that mattered.