With reference to The Social Contract and one painting by David, discuss the way Rousseau and David explore the notion of duty to the state.

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With reference to The Social Contract and one painting by David, discuss the way in which Rousseau and David explore the notion of duty to the state. In the 1700s, when France felt the oppression of the privileged, Jean Jacques Rousseau's The Social Contract and Jacques-Louis David's The Oath of Horatii fed their reasons, touched their senses and helped fanned the flames of the French Revolution. They gave the French the concept of duty to …

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…of the entire Western world. Reference: The Open University, (1998) AZS 103: An Introduction to the Humanities; Block 3, History, Classicism and Revolution, UK, Walton Hall The Open University, (1998) AZS 103: An Introduction to the Humanities; The Illustration Book, UK, Walton Hall The Open University, (1998) AZS 103: An Introduction to the Humanities; Resource Book 2, UK, Walton Hall www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/cas/his/CoreArt/art/neocl_dav_oath.html www.philosophy.ubc.ca/faculty.cutler/339/lecture1/node12.html