Wisdom vs. Strength in Odyssey.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The Trojan army was slightly stronger than the Greek army. They had the god Ares, god of war, supporting them against the Greeks. At the same time, the Trojans had godlike warriors such as Hector and Aeneas. On the other hand, the Greeks had Athena, goddess of wisdom, to support them against the Trojans. Despite these facts, the Greeks, in the end, won the Trojan War, because of strategy. Therefore, it can be said that …

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…wine and this shows wisdom is stronger than strength, because Odysseus's attempt to attack Polyphemus is implied with wine as Odysseus's weapon. Also, Odysseus's taking advantage of Polyphemus's gullibility and recklessness shows how Odysseus does not choose to fight with all of his skill, but rather with sneakiness. This is because, Odysseus blinds Polyphemus with Polyphemus's weapons that are lying around and he does this unexpectedly. Polyphemus does not expect Odysseus can possibly attack him.