Willow Tree and Olive Looks for Alibrandi - Book Review on 'Looking for Alibrandi' by Melina Marchetta and 'Willow Tree and Olive' by Irini Savvides - Comparison of both books

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The two books Willow Tree and Olive (Irini Savvides) and Looking for Alibrandi (Melina Marchetta) are very similar and yet very different. There is a distinct connection between the storyline and the personality traits of the main characters of both novels. Yet there are contrasts between the methods by which the authors have employed in writing these novels. Willow Tree and Olive is the story of Olive. Olive is of Greek descent and she struggles …

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…mentioned themes. Although more complicated, Looking for Alibrandi is a lot easier to understand and ultimately read. The pace in Willow Tree and Olive Tree is inconsistent while Looking for Alibrandi is set consistently at a good pace where the plot doesn't drag and isn't too fast for the reader to contemplate. Overall, these two books are amazing journeys made by two amazing young adults. Recommendations go to those who enjoy books in these genres.