William Shakespear - The Tempest - What do you find interesting about Shakespeare's presentation of Caliban in the play? You may confine yourself to two episodes or range more widely if you prefer.

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There is an interesting love/hate feeling for Caliban throughout the play. While on one hand he tries to rape Miranda and the audience are therefore led to despise Caliban, on the other hand the audience are supposed to feel pity for Caliban, as he himself has been usurped from his island and get treated rather badly by the majority of the characters within the play. Interestingly the reader never really gets a good idea …

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…most poetic of all characters, but he also shows skill in other aspects, "You taught me language" Caliban was not only able to learn Prospero's language, but speak it better than the teacher himself, not only this but Caliban manipulates two people into plotting a murder. I find this aspect of Caliban most interesting, perhaps Shakespeare intended the irony of this, that the Character perhaps lowest of the hierarchy, is also perhaps, the most intelligent.