William M. Tweed

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Essay Database > History
Did William M. Tweed Corrupt Post-Civil War New York? Alexander B. Callow, Jr., "The Tweed Ring" vs. Leo Hershkowitz, "Tweed's New York: Another Look." Alexander B. Callow insists that Tweed exercised sinister influence over the city and state governments. Callow, a professor of history, wrote a book about William Tweed and was published in 1966. Callow tries to prove that Tweed corrupted the city's government by pay offs, kick-backs and other forms of graft. Callow defines …

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…I think both writers are too one sided on this issue. If we drop the issue of corruption, and look at what Tweed did for the city of New York, it would be his city. Tweed listened, and got welfare programs for the many divers immigrants of the city. I think it is unfair that Tweed was singled out as a dishonest politician, because there were many, many other corrupt politicians during the Gilden Age.