William Jefferson Clinton

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William Jefferson Clinton was born William Jefferson Blythe IV on August 19, 1946 in Hope, Arkansas, named after his father who had died three months prior to his birth in a traffic accident. His mother was Virginia Cassidy. When he was four years old his mother wed Roger Clinton of Hot Springs, Arkansas. At the age of 15, he legally changed his name to Clinton. Excelling as a student he attended Georgetown University, the University of Oxford as …

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…a United States Senator. All in all, I would have to say that Bill Clinton was a good president. I feel he did an excellent job of running this country like a leader, instead of like a bully. He did his best to put money in the places it needed to go, not all in just one area. Instead of being all gung-ho war, he was all gung-ho America, the way a president should be.