William Henry Harrison

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Born to Irish immigrants on March 15, 1767, Andrew Jackson was to become the first "rags to riches" President the country had ever seen. He grew up in South Carolina and fought in the Revolutionary War at only thirteen. His entire immediate family, parents and siblings, died as a cause of the war, whether it was being killed in battle or death from disease. He went on to serve two terms as the seventh President of the …

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…- it symbolized special privileges and economic power. The plan to give the bank influence over the entire country's government completely backfired as Jackson was reelected. He took proper steps to make sure the bank would never have the same powers or influence again. He took federal money out of the bank to distribute it in trustworthy state chartered banks. With no money to hold it up, the Second U.S. Bank collapsed and disappeared.