William Gibson-TheCyberpunk Aesthetic

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ESSAY DETAILS Words: 10759
Pages: 39
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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
William Gibson is arguably one of the most important authors to come out of the eighties. He is also, with little doubt, one of the most innovative and inventive. Through his work concepts such as cyberspace have entered not only language, but also our conception of both the future to come as well as the present. He has become a guru to hackers and computer (ab) users in general, and has been instrumental to the …

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…and how does it all work (if at all)? What is human and what is machine and is it necessary and, in the long run, indeed possible, to keep the distinction tight? Gibson touches upon themes such as escapism and transcendence through technology, alienation and loss of identity in a world of semiotic chaos and technological extravaganza. But at the same time he maintains an expression of rapture, the creative euphoria of technology, stre