William Faulkner - The Sound and The Fury; this is comparison between the innocent and experienced characters in this book.

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The innocence of the human mind and soul are all relative to the level of understanding we have of this world. While on the other hand, those who are wily, street-smart and crafty are those who are experienced; those who know what makes a human being function, what the ultimate desire of man is and know how to obtain and use this desire for their own benefit. Benjy, the thirty-three year old mentally disabled man …

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…in the family is an unpleasant but necessary one, for he supports the family financially and without him they would starve; the last strands holding the family together would split and it would collapse upon itself. Benjy's position, in comparison is not necessary or vital. But at certain times, it becomes necessary for innocence and kindness to bow down to the more experienced, yet unpleasant circumstances or personalities, which is what happens in this family.