Willa Cather: A True Pioneer of Her Time

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
Willa Cather: A True Pioneer of Her Time <Tab/>Willa Cather was a great American author who helped influence the woman's suffrage movement through many of her writings. Her stories explain what life was like for women of her day and how a persons surroundings affect their entire life. So sit back and enjoy the life of "The True Pioneer" Willa Cather. <Tab/>On December 7, 1871 Willa Siebert …

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…and America enters when in 1941, Pearl Harbor is attacked. In 1945 the first A-Bomb is released and the war ends. In 1947 Jackie Robinson becomes the first black baseball player and that same year, Willa Cather dies. (Bloom 1985) Throughout the years Willa Cather's works have become more and more popular, her novels feel people with the sense of heroics and exploration. They make people think about their surroundings and how life around them affects their every move.