Wilkie Collins "The Moonstone".

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Wilkie Collins (1824 - 1889) Although Wilkie Collins was one of the most popular novelists of his day, his reputation now rests on the novels "The Woman in White" and "The Moonstone." An expert in mystery, suspense and crime, he is often regarded as the inventor of the detective story. The eldest son of the landscape artist William Collins RA, Wilkie Collins was born in London, Marylebone in 1824. He came from a family of artists. His brother …

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…life, - is complicated and verbose; always has a grain of contradiction, and, like the human's heart, is constantly looking for something new and magnificent." So all that was said proves that "The Moonstone" is a great piece of art. This work of Collins is considered to be the first and one of the best detective novels in English literature. So "The Moonstone" is a real masterpiece and an important contribution to the world's literature.