Wilfred Owen

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It could be said that all of war poet Wilfred Owen 's work has a discernible purpose; this being the destructive capacity of war, and its ultimate futility. What remained constant throughout Owen 's career as a war poet was his ability to communicate his purpose successfully to the reader, through his style and technique. Some of his poems like Dulce et decorum est demonstrate Owen 's initial purpose in protesting against the war by …

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…one thing that remained constant in Owens poetry was his prominent style and technique helped to promote each respective purpose. Dulce et decorum est showed the thread of protest against the war, the poem enhanced by Owen 's use of imagery and his stark contrasts. And finally, Futility and Spring Offensive, two poems whose symbolic sub-structure largely illuminated Owen 's purpose, which was that by man attacking or resisting nature, he was going against himself.