Wide Sargasso Sea Landscape & identity

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Every time we look out the window or go on a road trip, we notice the beautiful scenery that surrounds us, the composition of nature. And we often wonder how a mountain has taken this shape, or how these trees seem to line up to create and seamlessly endless path. Nature has its way of telling it's own history, a story of it's past, and the past of everything that surrounds it. In the postcolonial …

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…different interpretations of the characters. Rochester doesn't feel like he belongs in the Caribbean, he has an Englishman's perspective on history, and his identity is also one of an English person. Antoinette is very comfortable in her placement, since she carries all the necessary tools and background to comprehend the life around her, until she goes mad. But does the surrounding shape what these two have become, or did they chose to become this way?