Wide Sargasso Sea And Nature

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Most people, who grow up in the society that they're born in, always identify these places as their homes and have a feeling of belonging towards them. Foreigners, usually associate themselves with the places where they spend most of their childhood. This issue is clearly seen in "Jean Rhys", Wide Sargasso Sea. The protagonist, Antoinette, finds comfort in her own homeland, Windward Islands. On the other hand, her husband Rochester, a foreigner to the Caribbean, …

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…is unfamiliar with the Caribbean environment and feels like a complete stranger. These characters are different and have marital problems because they can't adapt to each other's beliefs and culture. Rhys used the different opinion of the landscape as a metaphor for their different history, sense of place and identity. We can ask ourselves this question: Does our Canadian view of landscape serve as a metaphor for how we feel towards our country and identity?