Wide Reading - why "the raging quiet" by sherry jordan is a worthwhile novel

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
"The Raging Quiet" By Sherryl Jordan <Tab/>A worthwhile novel teaches us about people, and how they respond and interact in different situations. "The Raging Quiet" by Sherryl Jordan (Simon & Schuster 2000) is a book which deals with the struggles of acceptance in the middle ages. The novel deals with issues such as witchcraft, women and the misunderstanding of disabilities, leaving the reader with a new perspective on medieval life, …

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…readers understand how wrong the perceptions can be. <Tab/>A worthwhile novel, like "The Raging Quiet", is one which deals with issues that help add to our knowledge of people and how they can react in certain situations. Raven's struggles, and Marnie's innocent attempts to let him understand, teach the reader how different people can accept certain situations and experiences, and is a fine example of a worthwhile piece of literature.