Why were the French unable to defeat the Viet Minh in the first Indo China War?

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Essay Database > History > World History
The French lost the First Indochina for a variety of reasons, such as the inability to match the Vietnamese War machine, lack of vision regarding the end of colonialism and independence for Vietnam, and finally the disaster which was Dien Bien Phu and the reaction at home. The French had controlled the country from the 1850's up until 1940 when during WWII Japan moved into Indochina, taking control of the country, but leaving it under the …

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…the Viet Minh had a strong sense of motivation inspired through strong leadership and support from the peasant population of Vietnam, and had created social and military links through the country, which France had never been able to achieve. The Viet Minh had fought a Guerrilla war in familiar terrain and were not concerned about cost or the time involved, whereas this was always a contributing factor the reason why the French failed in Vietnam.