Why was it that a great many of Americans opposed US involvement in the Vietnam War?

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
The Vietnam War was one of the most time-consuming, energy, money and manpower consuming wars to the US. There were many reasons why a lot of Americans oppose their country's involvement in this war in the late 1960s and early 70s. Ranging from military to social and economic factors, and the propaganda in America also played a significant role in influencing the general public's opinion of the war. Militarily, many US citizens were disillusioned with …

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…they started to question the reasons they were in South Vietnam, and if their presence in South Vietnam was justifiable considering all the atrocities the US troops committed during their time there. In conclusion, the above are the basic reasons why many Americans oppose US involvement in the Vietnam War. But, of course, there were many more reasons why they were against it. However these social, economic and military reasons were the most significant ones.