Why the United States Sent Troops to Vietnam

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Essay Database > History
At the end of World War II in 1945, The United States government was, seemingly, intent on eradicating Communism from the world. The government was, in a Machiavellian but sometimes inept way, using any means necessary to achieve this goal. In the process, the United States nearly engaged in nuclear war with the Soviet Union during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, sacrificed over 58,000 American lives and some 300,000 causalities (not to mention the untold millions of Asian …

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…edited by Dudley, William, Greenhaven Press, San Diego, CA., 1998. 7. No author, Opposing Viewpoints: The Vietnam War , edited by Dudley, William, Greenhaven Press, San Diego, CA., 1998. 8. Podhoretz, Norman, Why We Where In Vietnam, no listed editor, Simon & Schuster, New York,.NY, 1982. 9. Vietnam Day Committee, "America Is Not Fighting a Just Cause in Vietnam," Opposing Viewpoints: The Vietnam War , edited by Dudley, William, Greenhaven Press, San Diego, CA., 1998. Internet Resources 1. http://www.vwam.com/vets/photos.html