Why the US lost in Vietnam.

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
The United States of America failed to "save" South Vietnam from communism for various reasons. The approach the United States took to solve the situation in Vietnam was completely wrong. The struggle cost 3.2 million Vietnamese lives, two million Lao and Cambodians and nearly 58,000 American lives. They were misguided and misjudged the entire situation which eventually led to South Vietnam falling to communism. After the French Indochina War, which lasted from 1946 to 1954, Vietnam was provisionally divided …

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…since40/units/unit4/supplements/Viet_loss.html> 3)"Why US Lost in Vietnam" 2006/02/01 <http://www.ecfs.org/projects/fieldston57/since40/units/unit4/supplements/Viet_loss.html> 4) "Why US Lost in Vietnam" 2006/02/01 <http://www.ecfs.org/projects/fieldston57/since40/units/unit4/supplements/Viet_loss.html> 5)"Why US Lost in Vietnam" 2006/02/01 <http://www.ecfs.org/projects/fieldston57/since40/units/unit4/supplements/Viet_loss.html>