Why the US lost in Vietnam

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Essay Database > Literature > North American
The Vietnam War, America's longest war, had ended up in failure for the US. At that time, and until today, the US was the strongest nation on the planet and Vietnam was one of the poorest and a primary industrial country, where peasantry was in majority. The war, more officially, began from 1964 and ended in 1972 and the main reasons for losing the war was underestimation of VC, Ho Chin Minh Trail, Vietnamese people, protests back …

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…back in the US, which made the war even harder to fight. With these causes, the US lost the war in Vietnam. There was fully mass back in the US, demonstrations, unstable politics beginning from resign of Johnson, assassination of two Kennedies, Martin Luther King Junior. In the end, US began withdrawing its troops from 1968~1972, began Vietnamesation, however, South Vietnam was taken over by Vietcong, they lost the war and failed to save another "Domino".