Why the U.S. insists on going to war.

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Why does the United States of America insist on going to war? The USA likes to pick fights and butt in on other people's fights. That's a fact that has been seen many times in our history. When the Indians owned the land in the southern us, the army went in and made them leave so that the American people could come in and have farmland. In WW1 when the French and Germans were fighting …

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…orders. I believe that America is at war for a reason. I realize that many people do not agree with that reason, but everyone is entitled to their opinion. My opinion is that America goes to war for three reasons: To look after our interests, to protect our freedom, and to avenge our fallen countrymen. This is why I believe that America has gone to war so much in our short history as a country.