Why the Government and the public should NOT focus more energy and funds into bush/country areas- relating specefically to Australia.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
The Government and the public population should not pay more attention to the bush Today is the age of self-determination. No longer does the bush need to be governed and protected by the city. The era of protectionism, where the bush was granted excess funding, and treated as a 'special needs' area is long gone. Now is the time to embrace the egalitarian ideal we so strongly recognise, to aim for equality between city and …

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…'attention', the other 94% of the Australian employees are disadvantaged, they are being discriminated against. The bush is important yes. But it already has enough 'attention' being showered upon it. It is time the other sectors, who are percentagly more important, are treated as equals, and receive a share of that 'attention'. Australia is no longer riding on the sheep's back, it has caught the wave of the future, and is heading in the city's direction.