Why the 1950s werent as wonderful as some thought they were.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
"Clear and limited roles for mothers, fathers, and children establish a harmonious and efficient family life." - In each family, the father was held with the responsibility of being a good provider. This concept of supplying the family with food and money to spend is quite typical in most families, but one article describes it as an "ulcer-producing, coronary-provoking, and death-inviting task." (2) Fathers wanted to be proud of their family's wealth and also wanted to …

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…space program. This grew quite popular and the men involved in the program were viewed as heros by American citizens. The space program reached its peak when Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin became the first men to walk on the surface of the moon. (1) After this, popularity died down and funding for future explorations were cut. The pride that the entire nation held in this program died just as quickly as it had become popular.