Why tampering with our genetics will be beneficial

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For some, tampering with our DNA to improve humanity is a worthy goal. Others view it as morally incorrect. I feel that we should be allowed to tamper with our DNA becuase it would truly benefit the human race when we make our children stronger, smarter, and taller. It is our path to human perfection. Imagine a world where people are resistant to cystic fibrosis, fragile-X syndrome, and other devastating genetic diseases. Or where people …

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…to cut short our reach to the stars. Being part of a race where we rapidly advance is our greatest asset, and yet our greatest burden. When humans start to tamper with their own DNA, "We will not be making history; we will be embracing our destiny" -(Kennedy Space Center) Sources Cited - The Ecologist Book, May2003, Vol. 33 Issue 4, pg. 61 http://www.Ebsco.com Building a better baby? -Cohen Mark http://www.google.com