Why spanking works.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
I will not baby-sit for a family if they don't discipline their children. It is one of the first questions I ask the parents, because in my experience, if parents do not discipline their children, their kids are brats. I believe that though seen as one of the stickiest issues in childrearing, discipline is also the most important. Most parents will agree on this fact, but the controversy comes wth the method of choice. Spanking, …

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…US Parental Spanking Nov 2004. 4 Nov. 2004. World Corporal Punishment Research. 19 Apr. 2005 <http://www.corpun.com/usd00411.htm>. Reagan, David F. "Eight Misconceptions about Spanking: Corrected from the Bible." Learn the Bible. June 2002. 04 Apr. 2005 <www.learnthebible.org/spanking.htm>. "Spare the Rod, Spoil the Child." To Spank or not to Spank. 24 Feb. 2005. Rocky Mountain Family Counsel. 06 Apr. 2005 <http://www.tldm.org/news6/child.discipline.htm>.