Why isn't America Patriotic?(Includes quotes from numerous groups and dicusses the USA Patriot)

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
Why isn't America Patriotic? <Tab/>There is a day America lost its freedom that many Americans have fought to keep sacred. This day was on October 26, 2001. George W. Bush signed the USA Patriot Act, which broadly expands the powers of federal law enforcement agencies investigating cases involving foreign intelligence and international terrorism. This act was passed to help prevent terrorism in the United States of America. It was intended to protect …

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…to track criminals or used in other ways that do not apply to terrorism. The Patriot Act opens every Americans privacy and puts it on show for display, so any logical thinker can see where the abuse factor becomes relevant. This isn't America with out our right to privacy, our right to freedom of press, speech, bear arms and assemble. When everything this country stood for is swiftly taken away where does that leave America?