Why is there Gavity

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Why Is There Gravity? When you pick up a stone and release it falls to the ground. This seemingly simple concept has been known throughout history as gravitation. Isaac Newton managed to explain gravity in terms of its effects, but few have come up with a working explanation for the driving force behind it. The mysterious nature of some of the more peculiar effects of gravity, as well as the simple ones, indicate that explaining …

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…an explanation for gravitation, it becomes quite true. At present, the great mystery of gravity is still very much a mystery. Its effects are virtually 100% calculable, but there is still no solid answer for the age-old question of "Why is there gravity?" What we do know, however, is that mathematically, space behaves as if it is curved in the presence of matter. Whether this contradicts reality, or simply the human mind, we may never know.