Why is Atticus a hero?

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Essay Database > Literature > English
In the Novel 'To Kill a Mockingbird', Atticus Finch is portrayed as a truly unique individual. Atticus is a morally bound intelligent lawyer who believes in true justice for all. As a father, he puts a lot of emphasis on being an excellent role model for his children. The acts of heroism displayed by Atticus are firmly entwined with his beliefs about right and wrong. Even if it means discomfort for him, he prefers to …

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…in any violent way; he just stood strongly and ignored him. In conclusion, Atticus is a hero on many levels. He is a heroic role model to his children, and heroic in his beliefs and actions on human rights, even if most white people in Maycomb County disagree with him. Atticus always maintains his dignity in unpleasant circumstances and maintains the respect he earns from the people around him even if they don't show it.