Why have people migrated to Australia and what have been the effects of Immigration on the country and its people?

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
Migration is the movement of people from one country to another. Nowadays, without any problem, people migrate to many parts of the world such as Asia, Europe, America, Australia and many more other countries. The first people who migrated to Australia were the Aborigines and Torres Strait islander. They arrived in Australia between fifteen thousand and fifty thousand years ago. Between then and now, Australia became a multi-ethnic country. Many races from all over the …

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…mental anguish. In conclusion, people just want a change in life. Some people do not want to migrate but some are push to due to the reasons above. I strongly feel that people should have the choice of where they want to live and not be judged by the way they speak religious belief and mainly their skin colour. We all could live in a utopian society only if not one but all choose to.