Why has Frankenstein prevailed? How has Mary Shelly's Frankenstein has continued to hold public interest for nearly two hundred years?

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Why has Frankenstein Prevailed? Mary Shelly's Frankenstein has continued to hold public interest for nearly two hundred years. It has prevailed because of the timeless sentiments explored by the text. Perhaps the story is even more pertinent now, as it becomes more and more plausible. Since it's publication in 1818, the tale of a scientific experiment gone terribly awry has maintained relevance. The ambiguity of creation and of what constitutes as "natural" is and will continue …

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…example. This scientific reality is very similar to Dr. Frankenstein's frightening discovery that Mary Shelly imagined 200 years ago. The tale of Frankenstein has and will continue to be a fixture on the minds of scientists and the general public alike when exploring the possibilities science has to offer. The story still has relevance simply because the ideas behind it are an accurate foreshadowing of both scientific advancement and the fear and concerns surrounding these issues.